
Service line400-1088-778 • 0757-85588578


Die Oven
The rapid die oven adopts heating method by special magnetic induction heating controller. (Customized design according to customer’s demand.)
Service line

400-1088-778 / 0757-85588578

The rapid die oven adopts heating method by special magnetic induction heating controller. (Customized design according to customer’s demand.)

Main Features:

1.Heating rapidly and uniformly, stable and reliable, energy-efficient, environmental and safe.
2.Accurate temperature, short heating time, effectively reduce the oxidation of die surface.
3.Suitable for the rapid heating of dies which diameter is less than 250mm.

宁强县| 开远市| 木兰县| 古浪县| 辽宁省| 永宁县| 叙永县| 通河县| 桦甸市| 南木林县| 南川市| 夏津县| 玛多县| 定安县| 嵩明县| 台安县| 宾阳县| 宜兰市| 太和县| 达孜县| 彭山县| 旺苍县| 治多县| 浪卡子县| 明星| 华宁县| 若羌县| 迭部县| 罗甸县| 巴中市| 泸溪县| 家居| 雷波县| 慈利县| 望都县| 钦州市| 乌鲁木齐市| 修武县| 封开县| 富顺县| 潼南县|